Many life situations and struggles may bring us into therapy. Our challenges are often rooted in the ways early life experiences leave us feeling unsafe in the world, lacking self-worth, or that we are ‘bad’ or ‘undeserving’ in some way. These inner experiences are often hidden below our conscious awareness, yet they play out throughout our life. Limiting beliefs may come from lack of nurturance or emotional attunement, being left alone to ‘cry it out’, or more obvious neglect and abuse. The good news is we can change these old beliefs and patterns to renew how we experience our selves, others, and the world around us. As we trace and transform the roots of our life struggles, our hearts open to the realization that there is infinite love and connection available for us to embrace and embody.
My body/mind-oriented approach may include ‘hands on’ work when needed. Gentle and supportive touch may help heal early traumas by regulating the nervous system, while supporting connection and organization. Your safety and personal authority are always first and foremost as we seek to open pathways to the rediscovery of your authentic self, inner vitality and unique expression in the world.
In-person and remote appointments available. Click below to learn more.
There are many ways we can work together in a coaching relationship. You may feel ready to manifest a long-time dream but are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. Or you sense the part of yourself that is seeking expression in the world or wants to make a positive impact, but don’t know what path to pursue. Or maybe life is going pretty well but you just need a ‘tune-up’ around a particular issue. All these are great reasons to reach out to me to explore how we can take advantage of transformational technologies to catalyze positive change.
Contemplative practices like yoga and meditation are also powerful vehicles for transformation and thus can bring up strong and unexpected emotions, body sensations, and mental states. My professional training in contemplative science and my personal experience as a long-time student of various contemplative practices can support you in developing or sustaining your own practice, whatever the wisdom tradition, while helping you to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the spiritual journey.
In-person and remote appointments available. Click below to learn more.
Attending a workshop or retreat is a powerful and playful way to expand your opportunities for personal growth and real change. In the safe container of the group experience, you can listen more fully to the deeper needs of your heart and discover new ways of showing up more authentically in every arena of your life.
We often find our voices and speak our truths—learning to belong and to lead from a place of empowerment and creativity—when we connect heart-to-heart in a supportive environment. Come transform the old story of your life and generate a new one as you play, explore, experiment, and embody new skills and perspectives in sacred circle with others.
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Many life situations and struggles may bring us into therapy. Our challenges are often rooted in the ways early life experiences leave us feeling unsafe in the world, lacking self-worth, or that we are ‘bad’ or ‘undeserving’ in some way. These inner experiences are often hidden below our conscious awareness, yet they play out throughout our life. Limiting beliefs may come from lack of nurturance or emotional attunement, being left alone to ‘cry it out’, or more obvious neglect and abuse. The good news is we can change these old beliefs and patterns to renew how we experience our selves, others, and the world around us. As we trace and transform the roots of our life struggles, our hearts open to the realization that there is infinite love and connection available for us to embrace and embody.
My body/mind-oriented approach may include ‘hands on’ work when needed. Gentle and supportive touch may help heal early traumas by regulating the nervous system, while supporting connection and organization. Your safety and personal authority are always first and foremost as we seek to open pathways to the rediscovery of your authentic self, inner vitality and unique expression in the world.
In-person and remote appointments available. Click below to learn more.
There are many ways we can work together in a coaching relationship. You may feel ready to manifest a long-time dream but are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. Or you sense the part of yourself that is seeking expression in the world or wants to make a positive impact, but don’t know what path to pursue. Or maybe life is going pretty well but you just need a ‘tune-up’ around a particular issue. All these are great reasons to reach out to me to explore how we can take advantage of transformational technologies to catalyze positive change.
Contemplative practices like yoga and meditation are also powerful vehicles for transformation and thus can bring up strong and unexpected emotions, body sensations, and mental states. My professional training in contemplative science and my personal experience as a long-time student of various contemplative practices can support you in developing or sustaining your own practice, whatever the wisdom tradition, while helping you to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the spiritual journey.
In-person and remote appointments available. Click below to learn more.
Attending a workshop or retreat is a powerful and playful way to expand your opportunities for personal growth and real change. In the safe container of the group experience, you can listen more fully to the deeper needs of your heart and discover new ways of showing up more authentically in every arena of your life.
We often find our voices and speak our truths—learning to belong and to lead from a place of empowerment and creativity—when we connect heart-to-heart in a supportive environment. Come transform the old story of your life and generate a new one as you play, explore, experiment, and embody new skills and perspectives in sacred circle with others.
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